Are you part of the 15% of companies that has a technology strategy? When software investments go wrong, are you confident about the path to not repeating mistakes? If you made another investment, how good is your company at product innovation?

Gartner says that 73% of technology initiatives fail. Why is that? Do you have a strategic filter for your software investments, or do you just spend based on a list?
Have you ever noticed that every strategic initiative your business has runs through software... or should?
We work with a range of industries, including manufacturing, distributors, construction, private equity, trading, gaming casinos, and start-ups. That's diverse group. For companies that don't really do technology as a core competency, we help best by becoming a turnkey technology strategy, and product design and development team. For those with tech teams who just need to go faster, or to take on a product that is being neglected, we can do that, too.
Private equity
Gaming casino
Start ups